Ikea Hack Home Office DIY

We had planned to do a home office in our basement for the longest time. And now after this past year my husband has been working from home most of the time so he has finally decided he is sick of working on a cluttered old table he used as a desk. We had two old tables–one for his work space and one for my sewing machine as a makeshift workspace. Not so pretty. See below:

So we researched and discovered a lot of nice looking desk setups using the Ikea Alex cabinets. We came up with a plan. Buy 3 Alex Cabinets and 2 butcherblock counter tops. Two six foot long butcher block counter tops pretty much go from wall to wall in this space so it worked out perfectly to buy 2.
This is the list of products we used for this project:
This seems like a fairly straight forward project, but it was a little more work than I thought it would be. The butcher block came bare with no finish.

give a nice clean surface area.

I ordered two 4ft x 4ft rugs to complete the look! We haven’t finished the ceiling yet in our basement so hopefully we will make a decision on that soon. I really like how it turned out, and now I have a place for my sewing machine and all of my sewing stuff.
Our time-lapse of putting together the desk: