How I made a quick high-chair tutu for my baby girl’s first birthday. (It has multiple uses too)
For my daughter’s first birthday, I decided to make a tutu that could go on her high-chair to decorate it for her birthday party. I decided I could also make it so that she could wear it for a first birthday photo op. Yes, I take plenty of photographs of my kid. At this age, though, she is very difficult to photograph!!
Here is a photo of the finished project.
Very simply, you start with a ribbon and several different colors of tulle. I purchased about a yard each.
Next, I took each strip and knotted–I believe its called a “lark’s head knot” — it to the ribbon. I alternated colors, but obviously you could do whatever color combo you wanted.
Below is how I had her chair for her party. I just tied the ribbon to the chair and secured it with tape. For her photograph where she wore the tutu, I just tied it around her waist. Super easy, super cute project!